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Tradition and Triads

If I hear one more person say that the slippery slope argument doesn’t apply to gay marriage, I’m gonna scream : First came traditional marriage. Then, gay marriage. Now, there’s a movement combining both—simultaneously. Abby Ellin visits the next frontier of nuptials: the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Seven Deadly Sins in Chart Form

Is the East Coast more lustful than the West? Greedier? When you look at the seven deadly sins mapped across the country , the East Coast and the South turn out to be the most prideful, which in these charts meant the most sinful, period. But the charts only factor in reported crimes, which might . . . . Continue Reading »

Gutenberg Elegies

“Digital literacy, that darling of techno-utopians, competes now with physical books and the solitary, contemplative print culture nourished by them,” writes artist and cultural critic Maureen Mullarkey , introducing her new exhibition at New York’s Kuoros Gallery. . . . . Continue Reading »

Every Angel Is Terrifying

So says Rainer Maria Rilke, in either the first or the second of the Duino Elegies — off the top of my head I can’t remember which. Meanwhile, over at Touchstone’s Mere Comments blog, they’ve been talking about angels. Though the conversation begins with the question of . . . . Continue Reading »

Real Genius

I would like to second what Spengler says in reply to David Brooks on the subject of genius. It is obvious that Brooks has never met any true geniuses and has no idea what he is talking about on this subject.  There is at least one person alive today in my own field of theoretical particle . . . . Continue Reading »

Bible Burning in Afghanistan

Here’s a Reuters report that tells us the ” U.S. Military says Afghan Bibles have been Destroyed”: Bibles in Afghan languages sent to a U.S. soldier at a base in Afghanistan were confiscated and destroyed to ensure that troops did not breach regulations which forbid proselytizing, . . . . Continue Reading »



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