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Blogito, Ergo Sum

Blogito, ergo sum . I blog, therefore I am. This epistemological premise would seem to describe more than a few who inhabit the blogosphere these days. One wonders what would happen to the likes of an Andrew Sullivan or a Jonah Goldberg if they awoke one morning to discover that they were unable to . . . . Continue Reading »

A Darwinian Telos. What Faith!

Andrew has a fairly careful and modest essay at the Times on the progress of religious faith in the face of scientific progress. The issue of whether faith should gird us to not fear scientific truth is an intriguing one; the Holocaust was scientifically true, after all, meaning the facts could not . . . . Continue Reading »

A New Theory for Autism

Sounds reasonable to me : A groundbreaking study suggests people with autism-spectrum disorders such as Asperger’s do not lack empathy—rather they feel others’ emotions too intensely to cope. People with Asperger’s syndrome, a high functioning form of autism, are often . . . . Continue Reading »

The Sunshine King

Richard Florida is blogging . Behold the intellectual firepower : While I find such lists informative and fun, in my book Who’s Your City, I say that there is really no such thing as a single best city:  Invoking the old and somewhat cliched adage, “different strokes for . . . . Continue Reading »

Etymology and the Rosary

Over dinner last night my German-speaking husband let drop that our English word bead derives from the German beten, which means to pray. Not one to receive a piece of information lying down — if I had written my own marriage vows, my responses would all have been, “Oh, yeah?” . . . . Continue Reading »



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