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Real Neo-Paganism?

A friend sent me this piece by Alain de Botton celebrating pessimism, describing it as “your kind of article.” Leaving aside what this is meant to imply about me, I do think it warrants some attention. De Botton writes: The modern bourgeois philosophy pins its hopes firmly on two great . . . . Continue Reading »

God Is Gone Up

In honor of the feast of the Ascension, here is Gerald Finzi’s “God Is Gone Up,” sung by the Choir of St. John’s College, Cambridge. The words are taken from Edward Taylor’s Sacramental Meditations The piece begins around 3:20 into the video. God is gone up with a . . . . Continue Reading »

Quo Vadis II: Gifts for the Graduate

I am an uninspired gift-giver at the best of times. If I gave you a little purse hand-knitted by my daughter for Christmas last year, odds are that by next Christmas I’ll have forgotten all about it, and you’ll get the same thing again, though perhaps in a different color.Graduations are . . . . Continue Reading »

Ground Rules for Civil Discourse

Diogenes proposes an apt analogy : I see nothing wrong with swatting flies. Let’s say that you have a different opinion. You think the lives of flies are sacred, and therefore you think that swatting flies is grossly immoral. You hold this view with the utmost sincerity. Unfortunately for . . . . Continue Reading »

Quo Vadis?

Well, it is that time of year. And lately we’ve been seeing these buses roll through town: up Main Street, past the carp-juice shop and what used to be the ice-cream store but is now another purveyor of distinctly frilly antiques, around the courthouse square, and off into the blue and distant . . . . Continue Reading »

Mystery Solved

If you were puzzled by the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano ‘s positive article on President Obama’s Notre Dame speech—which appeared right next to another article strongly criticizing his stand on stem-cell research—the paper’s editor, Paulo Rodari, may have . . . . Continue Reading »

Success in the Holy Land

At the Wall Street Journal , Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein considers Benedict’s trip to Israel a Success: Pope Benedict XVI does not yet enjoy the goodwill his predecessor generated. Aspects of his past and statements he has made are arguably controversial and have generated criticism—some . . . . Continue Reading »



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