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The Red Poppy

In 1915, Canadian medical officer John McCrae published what has become one of the most popular poems from the First World War, “In Flanders Fields” : In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely . . . . Continue Reading »

A Christmas Tree with Vices

Thanks to Nathaniel for sending me this, a neat overview of master filmmaker Orson Welles’ career —with an eye toward his spiritual sympathies. “I try to be a Christian. [But] I don’t pray really, because I don’t want to bore God.” In fact, prayer was almost as uncomfortable subject for . . . . Continue Reading »

The Bugs in the System

Well, the bugs we knew would appear have infested the basement. Commenting right now doesn’t work. I had trouble uploading a photo to go with the last post. And so far, the comments from the Blogger version of SHS have not transported here. But these things will all work themselves out.The . . . . Continue Reading »

SHS Has Moved To First Things

Well, the moving van has come and SHS is now ensconced in our new home at First Things. We still have a little unpacking to do. There will be a few bugs for a few days before everything is back to normal. But I am looking forward to an engaging experience.For new readers: Welcome. The first question . . . . Continue Reading »

Check Out the New Secondhand Smoke Look

The transition of SHS to the First Things family of blogs will soon be upon us. To see what it will look like, you can go to FT’s new home page—still only partially constructed—and then hit the blogs link. Secondhand Smoke will appear. Hit that link, and you will find me, or . . . . Continue Reading »

The Obama foreign policy flakes apart

The Obama administration’s hopes for a diplomatic settlement in which Iran would give up nuclear weapons in return for a greater regional role, including a sphere of influence of sorts in Iraq and a presence in Afghanistan, seem to be flaking apart. A New York Times op-ed this morning by . . . . Continue Reading »



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