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Stephen vs. Stephen vs. Stove

I’m eager to hear Stephen Webb’s reply to Stephen Barr’s response to Webb’s earlier post on Darwin . And while it would be foolish for me to include myself in a debate between a scientist and a philosopher, I see no reason not to throw another philosopher in the mix. . . . . Continue Reading »

Darwin’s Beliefs

I find Stephen H. Webb’s reflections on Darwinism (“ How Darwin’s Wife Saved His Theory ”) very interesting, but I think there are questionable assumptions embedded in some of its verbal formulations. Consider the statement, “Critics of Darwinism . . . have long argued that . . . . Continue Reading »

LaserMonks of Spring Bank

The New York Times has a story on the Cistercian monks of Our Lady of Spring Bank and the women who run their online business, LaserMonks: The Rev. Bernard McCoy, the monastery’s superior, had the idea for But the enterprise really took off when the monks turned it over to two . . . . Continue Reading »

Appreciation of Place

Postmodernism, a critique of the over-ambitious nature of Enlightenment rationalism, is the beginning of an age deeply disenchanted with modernity. What is modernity and (following the most powerful of Twentieth Century constructs) its –ism? This generalization strikes me as a decent one. I . . . . Continue Reading »

Suicide Is Not a Necessity

Once again assisted suicide is being presented by its supporters as somehow a necessity. That being so, they argue, legalizing assisted suicide would extend rather than shorten lives. From the story:The ban on assisted suicideis forcing terminally ill people to cut their lives short, the House of . . . . Continue Reading »

Comments Will Soon Be Back

Some of you might have noticed that the comments have disappeared again.  This is a temporary condition, I am assured. I have also been told that the comments from the old site of SHS will soon also be imported.  Thanks again for your . . . . Continue Reading »

Here’s A New Link to SHS

Our changeover is almost complete.  SHS can still be accessed at  Soon the redirect will work faster. But for those who want to link it directly, the new URL is . Muchas gracias. Merci. Danke. Much . . . . Continue Reading »



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