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“Who Will Pick Up His Forceps?”

Predictably, the murder of abortionist George Tiller has led to his being proclaimed by pro-abortion groups a martyr for the cause of women’s rights. Perhaps the most chilling hagiographies so far is from William Saletan at Slate , where the late-term abortionist is compared to a soldier . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Emma-ization

Stephen Webb’s summary of my argument doesn’t come close to anything I said. It is an absurd caricature. In citing the fact that many religious scientists believe in evolution, I was not saying “gee, they must all be right” because “all those good people seem to agree about . . . . Continue Reading »

An Attack in Little Rock

At any time, the act of joining the U.S. military is a statement, both real and implied, of one’s willingness to die for one’s country. However, in times of apparent peace, there can be no doubt that many who enlist do so for far more practical reasons and benefits and fervently hope . . . . Continue Reading »

Garden Gnomes and Nazis

As the National Post ’s Robert Fulford points out, on the back jacket of Roger Scruton’s new book, Beauty , you can find a tiny drawing of a garden gnome while on the front there’s a woman’s face by Sandro Botticelli. “The two illustrations point us toward the sharp line . . . . Continue Reading »

What We Mean By Empathy

Prof. John Hasnas is an excellent seminar leader, and, like Conor , I cheer on his clearsighted reiteration of the kinds of blindness to future or systemic consequences that a viscerally emotional approach to jurisprudence can bring. Yet Bastiat, whom Hasnas cites, seems to me vulnerable to perhaps . . . . Continue Reading »


I respect Stephen Barr’s writings on science and religion, but his response to my brief post is an exact example of the process that I was writing about, and that I called “Emma-ization,” after Darwin’s gentle and supportive wife. Notice the shape of his argument, which really . . . . Continue Reading »



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