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The Muslim World?

Sean Curnyn and David Goldman both note the perils of a speech directed to “the Muslim world.” But at Public Discourse, Jennifer S. Bryson , director of the Witherspoon Institute’s Islam and Civil Society Project, notes that despite the characterization of the press, Obama . . . . Continue Reading »

Megalomania, Paranoia and Obama

The foundational premise of Islam is that other peoples distorted and perverted the true message of God, which Mohammed presented in its pure and final form in the Koran. The Koran does not “fulfill” Christian or Jewish scripture, as Christianity claims to do for the Jewish Scriptures it . . . . Continue Reading »

The Same-Sex Slippery Slope

James Poulos offers an insightful twist on the slippery-slope argument re: same-sex marriage in this webcast at Postmodern Conservative : It’s not that considering same-sex marriage is causing us to slip as a culture to a depreciated state of marriage; it’s the other way around. . . . . Continue Reading »

“The Human Dignity Conspiracy”

. . . is a new article written by our own Peter Lawler lucidly summarizing the reflections on dignity issued in a recent report by the President’s Council on Bioethics.  The very notion of dignity is philosophically suspect today partly because it’s . . . . Continue Reading »



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