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What is an Extreme Right-Winger?

The shooting at the Holocaust Museum yesterday has had the predictable but still unfortunate result of launching another discussion about the rise of right-wing extremism. In my opinion, James von Brunn’s madness does not lend itself to easy classification. He is, it seems, a bitter misanthrope . . . . Continue Reading »

Doomed Again

The old Cole Porter song goes: Have you heard? It’s in the stars Next July we collide with Mars Well, did you evah? What a swell party this is! Well, it won’t happen next July—so far as anyone knows—but a study in the journal Nature suggests such a collision might well occur . . . . Continue Reading »

South Dakotan Spies

You’ve all seen the news about Walter and Gwendolyn Myers, arrested as spies for Cuba , right? Well, if this interesting report by Clarice Feldman is accurate , the Myers were recruited by a Cuban agent in 1979. At the time, Walter was apparently unemployed, while his wife was working for the . . . . Continue Reading »

As a Bottle in the Frost

A friend told me about Fr. Apostolos Hill, a Greek Orthodox priest in Denver who has recorded three CDs of Byzantine chant. Fr. Hill’s clear voice rings out with little adornment and solemn passion, and in his American vibratto I think I can hear a hint of evangelical background (but I could . . . . Continue Reading »

What is a Mindclone?

Well, apart from its technical definition , a mindclone is (1) an example of the sort of religion created by worshipers of technology and (2) more evidence of our society’s prevalent mind/body dualism: A mindclone is a software version of your mind. He or she is all of your thoughts, . . . . Continue Reading »

Common Sense?

“Paying for what you spend is basic common sense. Perhaps that’s why, here in Washington, it’s been so elusive” So stated Obama, new champion of fiscal responsibility, with commentary in The Economist article, Seeing Red . But what are the numbers? Bad as the deficit was under . . . . Continue Reading »



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