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Needed: More Babies for Baptists

Southern Baptist leader Daniel Akin is concerned about declining baptism totals, a benchmark used by the denomination to gauge the effectiveness of missions and evangelism. To fix the problem he proposes that the denomination focus on ten “commitments” including committing to biblically . . . . Continue Reading »

Catholics and Calvinists Together

I am sorry that I misinterpreted Joe’s position, and am happy to see that it is not the brand of theistic evolutionism represented by Francis S. Collins (and myself) that he really was criticizing. As I noted in my previous post , it is the insights of St. Augustine that are most needed here, . . . . Continue Reading »

La Arena Pública Desnuda

That’s “the naked public square” in Spanish, for the non-Hispanophones out there, and it’s a phrase that Spaniards are going to want to remember in the coming months. As CNA reports: Publico , a newspaper closely allied with Spain’s ruling Socialist party, reported . . . . Continue Reading »

Cistercian Trickery

Maria Monk, Jesuitical trickery, Opus Dei, the Templars . . . why don’t the Cistercians get any conspiracy theories? So asks Br. Stephen Treat: Yeah, the Templars had a good run and went down in spectacular flames, but doesn’t that setback suggest that maybe they weren’t such . . . . Continue Reading »

Shame on the Fish Tossers!

Last winter I went to a conference in Seattle and had the chance to walk by Pike Place Fish. Aside from the gorgeous spread of Pacific seafood—king crabs, salmons, the works—the main eye-catcher was that the employees tossed the catch from one to another as they wrapped and sold the fish. . . . . Continue Reading »

A Random Response to Stephen Barr

In his post Stephen contends that I may be trapped in a false dilemma: the choice between believing that certain processes are random or believing that they are directed by God. I don’t believe I presented such a false dilemma because I don’t believe such a false choice exist. In fact, . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: The New Theistic Evolutionists

I think both John West and Joe Carter are trapped in a false dilemma, namely the choice between believing that certain processes are random or believing that they are directed by God. The dilemma is created by a failure to take adequately into account the complete sovereignty of God and the fact . . . . Continue Reading »



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