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Sarah Palin, David Letterman, and Class

David Letterman’s sexually offensive jokes about Sarah Palin’s daughters (and herself) were distinctly bereft of class. Sarah Palin’s immediate acceptance of his apology was, on the other hand, quite classy. (Of course, Letterman didn’t apologize for the line comparing her . . . . Continue Reading »

Wrongful Birth, Wrongful Death

You’re right , Wesley. “Wrongful birth” lawsuits truly are pernicious. Suing because a baby was not aborted is a sick perversion of justice. But sadly, reproductive technology is making this kind of injustice an everyday occurence: A mother desperate to have a second child has . . . . Continue Reading »

The Forever Virgins

Not sure how I missed this. Last month, the Boston Globe profiled several women in the archdiocese of Boston who have recently responded to one of the church’s oldest and perhaps most obscure vocations: consecrated virginity . . . . . Continue Reading »

A Few Words on Iran

1. I like the Iranian reformers more than I like the mass politics of solidarity by symbolism. 2. Imitating the right things for a people to say or do does not make those things the right ones for a President to do. 3. If Iran really has imported 5,000 Hezbollah enforcers, a more robust official US . . . . Continue Reading »

Suing Because Down Baby Was Not Aborted

A “wrongful birth” lawsuit has been filed in Oregon in which the child’s parents are suing because a test failed to reveal that their baby has Down, which had they known, would have resulted in abortion.  As I state in my post about this at Secondhand Smoke : This is not the . . . . Continue Reading »



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