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Science, science über alles

Yuval Levin continues his string of hits with a snark-filled review of Congressman Diana DeGette’s new book . DeGette’s confusion about somatic cell nuclear transfer dovetails nicely with one of Levin’s earlier points . Namely that the mere fact that “being on the side of . . . . Continue Reading »

The Gospel of Juneteenth

Although bad news travels fast, good news often takes the scenic route. That appears to have been especially true during the Civil War. Although Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation became official on the first day of January 1863, word didn’t arrive in Texas until June 19, 1865. On that day . . . . Continue Reading »

Truth and Fiction in Iran

It’s hard to see through the dust clouds and make sense of the present turmoil inside Iran, but a number of data points are worth considering. This is NOT an incipient color revolution, a democrats vs. dictators, moderates vs. neanderthals, good guys vs. bad guys contest. It is a nasty fight . . . . Continue Reading »

West Responds to Barr

Last week, Stephen Barr and I had a discussion about a column by Discovery Institute fellow John West on the “new theistic evolutionists.” (See: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 ) Today, West added the last entry to his three post series responding to Barr: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 . . . . . Continue Reading »

Rights as Socially Justified Desires

Today, Public Discourse features an article by First Things board member David Novak titled “Why We Should Oppose Same-Sex Marriage”: By calling attention to the traditional origins and character of marriage, I am not arguing from or even for the authority of tradition. Instead, I am . . . . Continue Reading »



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