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Dread Suburbia

Matt Archibiold discusses Sam Mendes’ latest anti-suburbia flick : Essentially, Mendes seems to adopt the view of literary urbanista types that the suburbs are a death filled wasteland. I find this attitude weird firstly as a business decision because it seems to me that mocking where most . . . . Continue Reading »

The Uneasy Conscience of the Pro-Choice Apologist

On matters of policy, the election of President Obama has been a decisive setback for the pro-life cause. On the rhetorical front, however, he may provide some indirect benefit. Because he promises to hold the line on the legal front, Obama provides a cover for pro-choice advocates to express their . . . . Continue Reading »

A Look Back at Father’s Day

Many thanks to David Gibson at Pontifications for linking here, and also for mistaking me for The Anchoress, whom I am not (who I am not? who is not I? Ack, ack, call the grammar medics . . . ), but the compliment is all mine. That anyone would link to that schizophrenic Father’s Day post I . . . . Continue Reading »

Summer Reading in the House of Curiosities

Not that all of this is either explicitly religious or — any of it — kitschy; it’s just what there is to write about today, while I wait for the next person to send in some oddity or other. The Five- and Six-Year-Olds (who get read aloud to together): Secret Water by Arthur . . . . Continue Reading »

When Empires Die

(Updated June 22) Last week’s demonstrations do not appear to have shaken the resolve of Ayatollah Khameini and the Iranian establishment, much less overthrown the Islamic Republic. Those who hoped for a Persian Spring probably will go home disappointed. In the excitement of the mass . . . . Continue Reading »

A Note on Tone; or, the Perils of Aphorism

Freddie responds to my tweet on Iran, solidarity, and fashion: I could imagine that James’s refusal to show solidarity with the protesters (or at least his discomfort in the same) is the product of apathy or fear of the other. I think, applied generally and not specifically, that’s a . . . . Continue Reading »

Love, the Sweet Divine Contradiction

Love, I think, is a primary component in the metaleptic phenomenon of being and Eternal Being within the tension of existence. It is the experiential insight that gives succor to man’s deformed yearning (sehnsucht) for perfection in life, and it reveals to us that “God can not be . . . . Continue Reading »



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