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It’s a beauty, a symbol of faith handed down to us from the days of Roman persecution, when Christians identified each other via the sign of the largemouth bass. He is cheerful-looking, I must say. And he appears very fetching beside the two rolls of Scotch tape in the penultimate photograph. . . . . Continue Reading »

Thomas King, S.J. – An Enchantment

I was in his room one afternoon and he asked me to try on a suit jacket he’d recently come by. He was clearly excited for me to do this. So, I pulled it on and tried to puzzle out his enthusiasm. Beige and a little threadbare, it wasn’t a bad-looking coat really. Maybe even vintage enough . . . . Continue Reading »

The Postmoderns vs. The Front Porchers

Dr. Patrick Deneen has gotten all uppity and wants some kind of showdown at one of his people’s corrals between the Postmodern Conservatives and the “Front Porch Republicans” (none of whom would be caught dead doing something REALLY conservative like voting REPUBLICAN). I emailed . . . . Continue Reading »

Twitter, contd.

As often, the Onion gets the inside scoop long before anyone else: Creator Jack Dorsey was shocked and saddened this week after learning that his social networking device, Twitter, was being used to disseminate pertinent and timely information during the recent civil unrest in Iran. “Twitter . . . . Continue Reading »

Three’s a Crowd

Eve Tushnet’s review of the Shakespeare Theatre production of Noel Coward’s Design for Living is up at the American Spectator . The play’s us-vs.-them shtik always had something unpleasant about it, as in the servant-problem humor in which working-class characters exist solely as . . . . Continue Reading »

For Those Who Can’t Get Enough of SHS

I tried to leave, but this came across my desk—an old November 22, 1998  interview with me that lasted over an hour, recorded in connection with the original publication of Forced Exit. David Emory begins discussing 60 Minutes preparing to show the video of Jack Kevorkian murdering Thomas . . . . Continue Reading »

Swiss to Outlaw Suicide Clinics

Apparently certain elements of the Swiss Government are sick and tired of the travesty of suicide tourism. From the story:Swiss government proposals to restrict the practice of assisted suicide in the Alpine nation could lead to greater suffering for patients and their loved ones, a group that helps . . . . Continue Reading »

If Hobbies Were Horses

I take the first of several laps around the track with Conor Friedersdorf, who’s doing interviews on Big Ideas for The Atlantic . I’m especially delighted to be able to speak with some coherence about a few concepts that I’ve been kicking around for a while now. First up, our bad . . . . Continue Reading »



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