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Now for something completely different

The only only problem is: according to this data, the correlation is inverse. The more pornography, the less rape. “...since the mainstreaming of porn into American lives in the early 70s, ...the incidence of rape per capita has declined by an astonishing 85%.” The data apparently ties . . . . Continue Reading »

You Say You Want A Revolution

Over at Books & Culture , yours truly has a review of Mike Rapport’s 1848: Year of Revolution : The year was 1848, and Europe was burning: The fires of revolution had flared up in country after country, each blaze erupting separately yet all feeding on the same fuel of social unrest and . . . . Continue Reading »

Love and Locality: The View from the East

Accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and other related words do not have quite the emotive power in East Asian societies as they do for contemporary Westerns, living under the shadow of the Holocaust, years of massive immigration, and sensitivity training. The use of such words . . . . Continue Reading »

Stoicism, Solitude, Solidarity

A brief remark as I hang out with my newly home-birthed son. (The goods of home birth definitely transcend all isms.) A recent portion of our pomocon/FPR critical saga has involved a fascinating exchange of allegations of stoicism and praise for certain kinds of stoicism. And it is true that . . . . Continue Reading »

Independence Day, Natural Rights, and Locke

As some of our readers have noticed, Locke is a big subject around here. We don’t share a single interpretation of his philosophy (you should listen to Ivan), or of his influence on the American regime. But we agree that the positions expressed above all in the 2nd Treatise of Government . . . . Continue Reading »



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