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First Thoughts on Caritas in Veritate, #8

The title of Chapter 4, paragraphs 43 through 52, promises that the text will take up the topic of the environment. But the chapter opens with an attack on the idea of rights as divorced from duties: “An overemphasis on rights leads to a disregard for duties.” Pieces of several arguments . . . . Continue Reading »

A Sad Anniversary

Today marks six months since the death of our friend, editor, and founder Richard John Neuhaus, who remains ever close in our thoughts and work at First Things .  Take a moment to visit to our memorial page —where you can find notable obituaries, web videos of Fr. Neuhaus, and a . . . . Continue Reading »

First Thoughts on Caritas in Veritate, #7

If that combination—a more socialist economics and a more traditional culture—is possible, then we need more explanation than Chapter 2 gave us, and, not surprisingly, it is with an explanation that Chapter 3 opens. The intellectual problem that Benedict has set himself is a thorny one: . . . . Continue Reading »

Ingrid Newkirk Lies on Laura Ingraham

I am listening to the Laura Ingraham radio show and PETA alpha wolf Ingrid Newkirk is the guest. Ingraham asked her if having a leather belt or leather shoes meant that one was engaging in cruelty. Newkirk said, and this is close to a quote, “No! That is not what we claim.”  Like . . . . Continue Reading »

When California Scientists Whine

I grow very weary of the constant whining by “the scientists,” that if they don’t get everything they want, it is doom time:  ”If there are ethical constraints on stem cell research, there will be a brain drain!” “If we don’t get funding increases . . . . Continue Reading »

The Codex Sinaiticus is Online

At least, it should be : About 800 pages of the earliest surviving Christian Bible have been recovered and put on the internet. Visitors to the website can now see images of more than half the 1,600-year-old Codex Sinaiticus manuscript. Fragments of the 4th Century . . . . Continue Reading »

Are Social Encyclicals Binding on Catholics?

If you had asked me as a young Baptist boy to explain the difference between Protestants and Catholics, I would have said that Catholics were the Christians who “have to do what the Pope tells them to do.” Now I’m an old Baptist and realize how naive I was. (I’m more likely . . . . Continue Reading »



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