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First Thoughts on Caritas in Veritate, #10

Chapter 7 begins with a complex analogy: As no one builds himself without the initial gift from God and influence from other persons, so no people or culture builds itself. The sheer assertion would probably have been better here. (A general rule of thumb for editors: If the metaphor is more . . . . Continue Reading »

First Thoughts on Caritas in Veritate, #9

And on we go to Chapter 5, paragraphs 53 through 67. Poverty is caused by isolation, Benedict insists: isolation from other humans, and isolation from the foundation that is God. Is that right? Maybe. Okay, I guess so. In a certain sense. But the text here in the opening of Chapter 5 is very muddy. . . . . Continue Reading »

A Club About Me!

What a fabulous idea! Give this man some credit, he sees the postmodern conservative point of my post was to say that there’s something—but not everything—good about the South. And surely he’s right to add that I’m the true heir of the authors of I’LL TAKE MY . . . . Continue Reading »



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