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What Moses’ Black Wife Means for America

Did Moses have a black wife? In the latest issue of the Criswell Theological Review J. Daniel Hays argues that “the case is extremely strong that Moses married a black Cushite woman from the Cushite civilization south of Egypt.” What would normally be of minor historical interest can . . . . Continue Reading »

Meatless Friday

We have company coming for lunch today, and I’ve stopped counting the times somebody in the household has passed me here at my desk to ask what we’re having to eat. FOOD, all right? Now pick up that Q-tip and get back to dusting the settee.Being a Southerner, I generally have a ready . . . . Continue Reading »

What’s a Culture Snob to Do?

If all of our cultural markers become digitized—if everyone starts reading books on Kindle and listening to music through the earbuds of an iPod—what happens to the camaraderie (or division) created by comparing our books to those of others? James Wolcott wants to know : We’ve all . . . . Continue Reading »

What Was Roe v. Wade Really About?

At the time, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg apparently thought it was about eugenics and population control . From the New York Times Magazine : Q: If you were a lawyer again, what would you want to accomplish as a future feminist legal agenda? JUSTICE GINSBURG: Reproductive choice has . . . . Continue Reading »

Our Postmodern Conservative Pope

Here’s one example among many of the wise moderation of the new encyclical : In his Apostolic Letter Octogesima Adveniens of 1971, Paul VI reflected on the meaning of politics, and the danger constituted by utopian and ideological visions that place its ethical and human dimensions in . . . . Continue Reading »



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