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To Destroy That Diversity of Centres

John Henry Newman on Catholic universities: Here, then, I conceive, is the object of the Holy See and the Catholic Church in setting up Universities; it is to reunite things which were in the beginning joined together by God, and have been put asunder by man. Some persons will say that I am . . . . Continue Reading »

Memoirs of Childhood

Reading Alexander Waugh on Christopher Buckley , I thought about the strangely immoral project of weighing our parents—a thought I’ve had before : Every memoir of childhood is necessarily overshadowed by parents, and I could find, were I to turn my mind that way, stories of my . . . . Continue Reading »

When Animals Sue

As promised last week, my extended piece on Cass Sunstein supporting granting animals “standing” to sue in their own names, is now out in the Weekly Standard.  From the column:Imagine you are a cattle rancher looking for liability insurance. You meet with your broker, who, as . . . . Continue Reading »

Cosmic Convergence o’the’Conomy

What does it say about the trajectory of the universe when David P. Goldman and Robert Reich appear to be saying the same thing about the economy?Probably nothing good.Goldman has been calling it a “zombie economy” for months:It’s not about getting a recovery going. That’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Our Postmodern Pope on Globalization

The following is another exerpt from Caritas in Veritate : Sometimes globalization is viewed in fatalistic terms, as if the dynamics involved were the product of anonymous impersonal forces or structures independent of the human will. In this regard it is useful to remember that while globalization . . . . Continue Reading »



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