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Police Power

In Reason magazine, Radley Balko continues his coverage of a botched SWAT raid in a small town in Maryland. The libertarian Reason often understands itself as somehow opposed to the religious intellectual analysis that First Things does, but the rise of no-knock raids and paramilitary police forces . . . . Continue Reading »

No Love for Bastille Day

At our Postmodern Conservative blog Ralph Hancock shares some thoughts on Bastille Day . Ralph’s not a fan: As I awoke this morning I was treated to a most light-hearted remembrance of Bastille day on NPR. Nothing is so merry, it seems, as stringing up a few “aristocrats” from light . . . . Continue Reading »

Bastille Day

As I awoke this morning I was treated to a most light-hearted remembrance of Bastille day on NPR. Nothing is so merry, it seems, as stringing up a few “aristocrats” from light poles. Not that the jovial announcers at NPR are particularly to blame; their casual notice of what could be . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Schism “Inevitable”?

The Times of London reports : A worldwide Anglican schism now seems inevitable after Episcopal bishops in the United States today backed the consecration of gay bishops. Episcopal bishops approved a resolution passed earlier this week by the laity and clergy which allows “partnered gays” . . . . Continue Reading »

Shop Class Ain’t for Nerds

Although I had no intention of becoming a “Future Farmer of America” I spent my first two years of high school taking courses in Vocational Agriculture (it’s just what we do in Texas). During the winter months we’d forgo the usual sheep shearing and hog castrating to work on . . . . Continue Reading »



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