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How to Read Girard

First Things is delighted to be able to share with our readers an original essay and an exclusive interview with René Girard, one the most intriguing and influential thinkers of modern times. Unfortunately, too many of our readers may not intially grasp the appeal of his work. As our editor . . . . Continue Reading »

Caritas and the Hermeneutics of Continuity

In some commentary on Caritas in Veritate , the point has been made that there are tensions among different statements of Catholic social teaching. Most notably, Populorum Progressio is often mentioned as an outlier in leftward direction. Fr. Robert A. Gahl, Jr., an associate professor of ethics at . . . . Continue Reading »

Caritas in Veritate Roundup

The mainstream media has largely ignored the story, but First Things Online has been tracking the reactions and reflections of the Pope’s latest encyclical. Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical “Caritas in Veritate” by Christopher Blosser Blosser’s post is a one-stop . . . . Continue Reading »



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