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Saints Peter and Paul

It’s not the ugliest church in the world, Saints Peter and Paul in Pierre, South Dakota:which we saw this weekend, while visiting my grandmother in Pierre.Then again, it’s not the prettiest church, either, and every time we drive by, my wife asks how come only St. Peter gets a statue . . . . Continue Reading »

Across the Prairie

We left our South Dakota refuge in the Black Hills to venture out on the prairie, driving across to Pierre this weekend to visit my grandmother. The rain has been good this year, and the plains have a kind of austere beauty that tugs a little at my memories: But then I remember how hard life is on . . . . Continue Reading »

Watch out Mother Goose. Here comes Flarf!

The new issue of Poetry Magazine is dedicated to two new “movements” in American poetry: Flarf and Conceptual Writing. I use quotation marks around the word movements because I think the word gimmick is more accurate. Unfortunately, I can’t use the word gimmick. You see, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Having of Daughters

Is the Catholicism—indeed, any religiosity—in the current generation of young adults rediscovered by the young rather than a gift from the old? I was thinking again this morning about Bob Miola’s beautiful essay (subscription required) about the entrance of first one and then a . . . . Continue Reading »

The Reaper Is Cheaper

Paul Howard at City Journal points out that improving the quality of healthcare, while a noble and worthwhile goal, won’t save anyone any money, so we shouldn’t pretend that it will: President Obama has made many promises about his health-reform agenda, but none looms larger than: . . . . Continue Reading »



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