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Law and Order and Libertarians

A number of my libertarian friends— John Schwenkler , Joshua Claybourn , et al.—who have weighed in on the arrest of Henry Louis Gates have taken the side of the Harvard professor. Although they are skeptical of the claims that race was the motivating factor (at least on the side of law . . . . Continue Reading »

President Obama’s Gnosticism

When not accusing physicians of performing unnecessary tonsillectomies for financial gain while offering no evidence to back up this claim, our President is accusing a Cambridge, Massachusetts police officer of acting “stupidly” while admitting he does not have access to, and thus has . . . . Continue Reading »

Henry Louis Gates Owes an Apology

Well, it seems that the tender sensibilities of a famous Harvard professor were offended. He and his driver put their shoulders to his front door. A neighbor called the police. The officer responded and adopted the usual officious and superior manner of policemen. As a man who knows only deference . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Avery Dulles Matters

Avery Cardinal Dulles, who Joseph Bottum described as “one of the greatest thinkers in the modern Roman Catholic church and perhaps its most distinguished representative in the United States,” died on December 12, 2008. In our May issue—now free to all readers—Thomas G. Guarino . . . . Continue Reading »

Assemblies of God Eclipses Episcopal Church

In his report yesterday on the seventy-sixth General Convention of the Episcopal Church, Jordan Hylden remarked on the uncertain future for the denomination: “By all indices, the church is graying fast and shrinking faster, attracting precious few youth and young families, its progressive . . . . Continue Reading »



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