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Biological Colonialism Comes to the USA

I am worried that we have just begun to hear about the depth of corruption that the case of the Brooklyn human kidney broker will expose. Apparently, poor Israelis were paid $10,000 apiece for a kidney, that were then sold for $160,000. But here’s the really scary part: They came here for the . . . . Continue Reading »

Green Religion

Both Instapundit and National Review point today to a column in the Times of London—a column by Antonia Senior that identifies the religious character of environmentalism. True enough, but Senior’s analysis is a little odd, and it is proof, in its way, of how little religious thinking is . . . . Continue Reading »

Indulge Yourself

Since we have a category for indulgences here, I thought this item might be of interest to our readers. I want one. CORRECTION: I want one of those calendars of indulgences, I mean. Though I always want a reader or two as well . . . . . . . Continue Reading »

Mary Mary

This past Wednesday, July 22, of course was the feast of Saint Mary Magdalene. In honor of the day, The Anchoress wrote an insightful meditation on tradition’s identifying her with the woman caught in adultery, to which many commenters, including me, responded spiritedly. I have been interested . . . . Continue Reading »

The Great Hibernation

I received yesterday the following email from a friend of mine recuperating at the University of Virginia Hospital, and I know he would have no qualms about sharing part of it with the readers of the Postmodern conservative blog. It goes on for a while—he is a professor of cultural . . . . Continue Reading »

Dignity vs. Honor on the Front Porch

Reihan has a nice two-post roundup of relatively sane commentary on the Gates imbroglio. We could have an interesting conversation about race, memory, and HONOR in America (as opposed to mere or simple dignity), roping ole Tocqueville back into it, or not; either way, it does seem right to conclude . . . . Continue Reading »

Rabbis & Mayors, Kidneys & Bribes

The Daily News this morning devoted five pages, including its cover, to the arrest of forty-four Jewish religious leaders and New Jersey politicians, together with a body-part trafficker, in the Garden State corruption scandal—all under the banner of “Rabbis & Mayors, Kidneys & . . . . Continue Reading »

Singin’ the Android Blues

“Any two AI designs might be less similar to one another than you are to a petunia.” - Eliezer Yudkowsky, Artificial Intelligence as a Positive and Negative Factor in Global Risk . John Schwenkler was kind enough to point me towards this post by Tyler Cowen at Marginal Revolution in . . . . Continue Reading »



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