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Atheists on the Attack

Noted Neuro-Buddhist Sam Harris has this to say about the President’s choice to head the NIH: Dr. Collins has written that “science offers no answers to the most pressing questions of human existence” and that “the claims of atheistic materialism must be steadfastly . . . . Continue Reading »

MY View of the Classical View of History

So I wrote up a talk at the ISI Honors Program on “What Was History (with a Capital H)?” Even the part I actually gave was way too long. And here’s part of the introduction that I had to cut. I will get around to posting some of the other parts soon. Are human beings fundamentally . . . . Continue Reading »

Back Soon . . .

Today’s our Latin Mass day. Typically we go to Mass at noon, and then we stay at church all day, because there’s Holy Hour at six, and friends of ours who drive an hour to Mass don’t bother to go home in between services. They bring picnic lunches and schoolwork and make a day of . . . . Continue Reading »


In the first go ’round, Neill v. Bullseye Collection Agency promised to be one of the weirdest, most interesting cases in recent years. A collection agency was putting WWJD? —What Would Jesus Do?—in the upper corner of its dunning letters, and a couple named Mark and Sara Neill sued, . . . . Continue Reading »

Flash Player Cross

A while back, Sally found a flashdrive cross necklace: Wear your faith and be saved! She rated it 23 out of 100, so I guess this flashplayer cross necklace can’t do much better:In fact, let’s say that it does worse.[Rating: 22 out of . . . . Continue Reading »

Polyamory: The Next Sexual Revolution?

Brought to you by the new but not improved Newsweek , the latest push for polyamory: Terisa, 41, is at the center of this particular polyamorous cluster. A filmmaker and actress, she is well-spoken, slender and attractive, with dark, shoulder-length hair, porcelain skin—and a powerful need for . . . . Continue Reading »

Truckin . . . On a One-Way Street . . .

Our reader Titus has corrected my erroneous impressions regarding the presence of a sign along I-40, somewhere at the western end of Tennessee, featuring an image of Saint Michael the Archangel. A fanciful traveler at the best of times, I had assumed that there was a truck stop at the bottom of . . . . Continue Reading »

The Return of Booker T. Washington

In our May issue, George McKenna reviews two new books that examine the complicated legacy of Booker T. Washington : What was Washington’s approach? Aimed mainly at blacks in the rural South (where the vast majority lived at the time), it was to teach them the skills to succeed economically, . . . . Continue Reading »



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