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Madrassification of Turkey

A friend in Turkey calls my attention to a dramatic reform of the Turkish education system favoring graduates of Islamic religious high schools, calling it the most important developing in the country since 1923:ANKARA, July 22 (AFP)—Turkey’s Islamist-rooted government Wednesday . . . . Continue Reading »

You Say Tomato

Here’s an interesting sculptural specimen I ran across in the crypt at the Episcopal Church of the Frescoes in Glendale Springs, North Carolina, back in June. It is, as you can see, a representation of Our Lord wearing what looks like a pashmina, or maybe a camel’s-hair hand-me-down from . . . . Continue Reading »

Pain et Cirques

Overheard at Marginal Revolution : . . . Uncle Sam is on the verge of paying the City of Los Angeles $30 million to subsidize a ten-year run of Cirque du Soleil. So it’s finally come to pass—America has embarked on the same road down which ancient Rome marched to its ruin: Uncle Sam not . . . . Continue Reading »

Therefore They Took a Key and Opened Them

Jesus and Mary key covers:I was going to say: Because Christians have keys, too. But, Sally, these are from Urban Outfitters, which suggests something—though I’m not quite sure what.Urban Outfitters is sort of Yuppie Hipsterdom, right? Like Pottery Barn: a chain store of hip stuff for the . . . . Continue Reading »

Blaming Bush for Making Us Blame Bush

Over in Slate , Jacob Weisberg writes a piece about how Obama’s insanities in foreign policy derive from his sane desire to be the anti-Bush. Bush, you see, was so bad that he’s still making Obama make mistakes. The evil of Bush was so evil that, in recoiling from it, the righteous . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Hurt Mail the New Hate Mail?

Theologian Carl Trueman proposes Trueman’s Second Law : In any exchange of views, sooner or later one or more of the participants will describe themselves as hurt or in pain as a result of somebody else’s comment; and at that point it is clear that they have lost the real debate. I . . . . Continue Reading »



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