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IKEA and the Disposable Economy

Megan , who’s started a dialogue with Ellen Ruppel Shell (author of the new book Cheap ), has some ruminations on the infamous maker of shelves with short shelf lives. Lots to digest, including some deee-lightful ancedotes from the bad old days of furniture so durable you seemed to be stuck . . . . Continue Reading »

A Social History of the Cocktail

By Robert Messenger: The cocktail is a lovely simple thing: a mixture of spirits and flavorings that whets the appetite, pleases the eye, and stimulates the mind. It is one of our conspicuous contributions to cultured living, up there with the Great American Songbook and the tuxedo. Yet, like . . . . Continue Reading »

Brague and The Law of God

The Intercollegiate Studies Institute has an online symposium on the always interesting and provocative Rémi Brague and his book The Law of God: The Philosophical History of an Idea . From the first installment : The Law of God is Brague’s second magisterial work of intellectual history. . . . . Continue Reading »

Our New Address

First Things has moved—to new offices, just around the corner: First Things 35 East 21st Street Sixth Floor New York, New York 10010-6261 All our phone lines and email addresses will remain the same, but be sure to direct all your paper correspondence to the new address. . . . . Continue Reading »


My friend John Podhoretz wrote to point out that, in posting on the Moose Menorah, I’d forgotten a key moment in the history of Jews and Moose—Woody Allen on the how the Moose went to a party and . . . . Continue Reading »

I&C on Kindle

Subscribe here.Please note that we have no control over subscription prices, which are set by Amazon. But you’re so happy to take us with you wherever you go that money is no object. Right? . . . . Continue Reading »

FT Blogs on the Kindle

First Things blogs can now be downloaded onto your Amazon Kindle , allowing you the ability to read them even when you’re not wirelessly connected. (The print edition of the magazine will soon be available.) The Kindle provides the full text content and images of all posts, and are updated . . . . Continue Reading »



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