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I think we’ve found a kindred spirit in Bad Vestments.I mean, so to speak. I don’t know who this tree-wearing lady might be. Keep up the good bad work. . . . . Continue Reading »

Don’t Wait for Obama to Fail!

In the absence of a clear policy alternative (or even a muddy alternative) to Obama, conservatives have taken to their rocking chairs, waiting for Obama to fail so that a repentant populace will come back to them. The fact that Obama’s approval rating fell slightly below the 50% mark in one of . . . . Continue Reading »

Lead Us Not Into Restraint Bias

New research from the Kellogg School of Management finds that people often fall into temptation because they overestimate the restraint they actually possess : The study, led by Loran Nordgren, senior lecturer of management and organizations at the Kellogg School, examined how an individual’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Running Out of Digits

From the Scientific American , via 3QuarksDaily , an article on “how to count to a zillion without falling off the end of the number line”: Last year the National Debt Clock in New York City ran out of digits. The billboard-size electronic counter, mounted on a wall near Times Square, . . . . Continue Reading »

Speaking of Crosses

Some weeks ago, my friend Debbie and I were looking for cross images. She had a specific goal in mind: she and her daughters were making a processional canopy for Father to use at Corpus Christi, and she wanted the image of a Greek Cross to trace onto the fabric, so that the girls could embroider . . . . Continue Reading »

Cross-Functional Furnishings

Imagine a house in which every item is either cross-shaped or decorated with crosses. That’s the task First Things’ editor and amateur interior designer Joseph Bottum has taken upon himself in choosing the decor for Sally Thomas’ house . It’s surprising—and profoundly . . . . Continue Reading »



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