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Ducking and Waiting

At the New York Times , Laura A. Munson describes how, when her husband suddenly said “I don’t love you anymore,” she simply chose not to believe him. He eventually came out of it, and they didn’t divorce: Sure, you have your marital issues, but on the whole you feel so . . . . Continue Reading »

Pynchonesque Beach Reading

In yesterday’s Wall Street Journal, Joseph Bottum reviewed Thomas Pynchon’s new novel Inherent Vice : “Inherent Vice” is the closest to beach reading that Thomas Pynchon has ever produced. Of course, take-to-the-beach best sellers are nearly always genre fiction: thrillers and . . . . Continue Reading »


Over at National Review , the urbane Mike Potemra offers a short but entirely accurate paean to James Joyce’s Ulysses . Read it, then read the book . . . . . Continue Reading »

The Real Vermont

I was deeply gratified to read Jack Ross’ paen to the Green Mountain Republic at Post Right. I would urge him, however, before going all Benedict Option on the place to consider carefully what horrors may lurk ‘neath the ” crowded green hills and endless trickle of brooks “: . . . . Continue Reading »

A Real Farmer vs. Agri-intellectuals

This “industrial farmer” is really ticked off by crunchy, porch-bound critics who don’t know what they’re talking about. The truth is that many “industrial farmers” are family farmers; they’re not all that alienated from the land or nature, and they give a . . . . Continue Reading »

Congress and the Brown M&M Test

You’ve probably heard the decades-old tale about how the band Van Halen included a provision in their backstage concert rider that stipulated that brown M&M’s were to be banished from the band’s dressing room. I had always assumed it was another arbitrary and outlandish demand . . . . Continue Reading »



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