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HealthCare, the Body Politic, and Shame

So I know I promised that my last post on healthcare would be my final word but apparently I don’t have that kind of discipline. Over at Critical Condition , the healthcare blog at NRO, I have a few more pithy words on the subject. Still trying to construct an account of the public . . . . Continue Reading »

Now, Let Us Praise Combat Photographers

I recently skewered an anonymous photojournalist for his condescending attitude toward soldiers he was assigned to cover. Allow me now to sing the praises of combat photographers David Guttenfelder, Joe Raedle, and Manpreet Romania by calling attention to this remarkable series of photographs . . . . Continue Reading »

Upholding Women’s Rights—For Some

Diogenes writes : A Vermont woman named Patricia Blair has suffered a tragedy: Her unborn twins were killed in an auto accident. Blair—who survived, obviously—thinks that the driver who caused the accident should be prosecuted for the death of her children. But you see the problem: If . . . . Continue Reading »

The Best and the Brightest

Bryan Caplan expresses his surprise at Geoffrey Miller: I’m impressed that after proclaiming himself “a secular humanist, an antiwar internationalist, an animal-rights environmentalist, a pro-gay feminist, a libertarian on most social, sexual, and cultural issues, and a registered . . . . Continue Reading »



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