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Jesus, Gnosis, and History

Dr. Pence, in an earlier thread, implied that certain mainstream Judeo-Christian sects did not share the same faith that evangelicals consistently exhibit. I believe he is correct in his observations and hope that he might pursue the question. At the core of the modern problem of faith, both public . . . . Continue Reading »

Rise of the Techno-Rubes

Every big idea that works is marked by simplicity, by clarity. You can understand it when you hear it, and you can explain it to people. Social Security: Retired workers receive a public pension to help them through old age. Medicare: People over 65 can receive taxpayer-funded health care. Welfare: . . . . Continue Reading »

Caritas in Veritate Symposium

All this week, First Things has been hosting an online symposium on on Benedict XVI’s Caritas in Veritate . In case you’ve missed them, here are all six of the entries: » Benedict XVI, Economist by Ivan Kenneally » Is Benedict in Favor of World Government? by Douglas A. Sylva . . . . Continue Reading »

What the Class of 2013 Knows

Each August since 1998, Beloit College has released the Beloit College Mindset List , providing perspective for us old timers on how students just entering college see the world. For the Class of 2013: 4. They have never used a card catalog to find a book. 6. Salsa has always outsold ketchup. 8. . . . . Continue Reading »



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