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Professor Proust, Meet the Hiring Committee…

What would happen if literary geniuses were interviewed by academic search committees? The summaries might look something like this : Name of applicant: Austen, Jane At times a charming candidate, but too coy to fit into our department of women’s studies. A bit too pleased with herself, . . . . Continue Reading »

Ted Kennedy, 1932-2009

After a fifteeen-month battle with brain cancer, Senator Edward Kennedy died today at the age of seventy-seven. As one of the most influential liberal senators of all time, he was often viewed as the archenemy of conservatives. On a personal level, though, Kennedy’s warmth and charm would . . . . Continue Reading »

Sex and Control

Matt Zeitlin should be less surprised by the final sentence of his post (link not suitable for children): I’m not familiar enough with the safe-sex corpus to really comment on it authoritatively, but in my own experience (health classes and so forth), the near-obsessive focus on the . . . . Continue Reading »



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