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Two Letters

I know that I have been an imperfect human being, but with the help of my faith I have tried to right my path. I want you to know Your Holiness that in my nearly 50 years of elective office, I have done my best to champion the rights of the poor and open doors of economic opportunity. I have worked . . . . Continue Reading »

Incoherence and Independence

A semi-tangent apropos of the thread developing below on Reagan’s is-it-or-isn’t-it conservatism: it’s true that Reagan’s public brew of conservative moralism and vigilence combined with western-libertarian free-range thought, inclusive of religion, reflects in telling or . . . . Continue Reading »

Putting Secularism Out of its Misery

Every person who has experienced the power of faith and religious conviction bridles at  the continuing intellectual hegemony of secularism in our culture. Scholars, religious leaders, or cultural trendsetters who can articulate the case for the continuing vitality of religion are prized. A . . . . Continue Reading »

Was Reagan a Conservative?

Is the pope Catholic? Well, some think not. According to the erudite Richard Gamble, ol’ Ronald was too Puritanical in the wrong way to be conservative. He gave us irresponsible tax cuts and a “Wilson” or evangelical, transformational foreign policy. His speeches were full of an . . . . Continue Reading »

Robert Schindler, R.I.P.

Terri Schiavo’s father, Robert Schindler, died last night of apparent heart failure at the age of 71. His health was broken by the ordeal of trying to save his daughter’s life and he never fully recovered from the horror of watching her dehydrate to death.  The family is . . . . Continue Reading »

Robert Schindler, RIP

Terri Schiavo’s father, Robert Schindler, died last night of apparent heart failure at the age of 71. His health was broken by the ordeal of trying to save his daughter’s life and he never fully recovered from the horror of watching her dehydrate to death.  The family is . . . . Continue Reading »

August Aphorisms #13

The new elitism includes everybody on the condition that they include everybody. Of course, that turns about to be almost nobody, which is why the those who preach inclusion can remain so smugly elitist. . . . . Continue Reading »

The Painted Word

Upon reading the claim by a New York Times art critic that in looking at a painting “to lack a persuasive theory is to lack something crucial,” the incomparable Tom Wolfe wrote in his book The Painted Word : Then and there I experienced a flash known as the Aha! Phenomenon, and the . . . . Continue Reading »



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