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Conservatives and Cultural Anxiety

Conservative anxieties about embracing and entering culture—by which we mostly mean Hollywood—seem to have subsided in recent years. Emboldened by film successes like The Passion of the Christ, conservatives seem to be waking up to the possibility of a Tinsletown that is more amenable to . . . . Continue Reading »

The Soul of Self-Government

Charles Kesler has recently provided another of his brilliant and bracing synopses of the American political scene , with a view to summoning conservatives to “another epic struggle, a battle for America’s soul, a battle that will determine whether free government will survive.” I am . . . . Continue Reading »

Fr. Neuhaus on IRD and America

The Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD) recently made available an address Fr. Richard John Neuhaus first delivered in 1995 . In reflecting on the role of IRD, Fr. Neuhaus provides some particularly intriguing and provocative thoughts on the role of religion in America: If you go back and . . . . Continue Reading »

Roger Scruton on Neurononsense

Philosopher Roger Scruton laments the reductionism that often accompanies new developments in neuroscience: I read this stuff with mounting scepticism, especially now, when the overblown celebrations of Darwin’s anniversary have begun to stick in the throat. I am reminded of the street . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Should America Support Israel?

Why should America support Israel in the first place? That’s a fair question to ask down here in Melbourne, Australia, where the United Israel Appeal of Victoria kindly invited me to address communal, school and civic audiences as well as a large number of smaller groups. Australia’s . . . . Continue Reading »



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