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Obamacare: MSM Are the Real Myth Makers

The push for Obamacare has been profoundly disingenuous, to the point of mendacity. (Yes, yes, I know: Opponents have told some whoppers, too, such as that the bill pushes euthanasia. But it does open the door for health care rationing.) The push is very Clintonian, as in debating the meaning of . . . . Continue Reading »

It Ain’t Voodoo Economics

We POSTMODERN CONSERVATIVES are justly proud not only of our philosophical, theological, and political literacy, but also of our economic literacy. So we can see, without being social or cultural libertarians (and while wanting, of course, to keep Locke at least somewhat in the Locke box), that . . . . Continue Reading »

Will’s Loss of Will on Afghanistan

For decades, George Will has been one of the most thoughtful voices in the conservative movement. In his column today , however, he shows a surprisingly lack of prudence by calling for the withdrawal of troops from the mainland of Afghanistan to the coastline, a flawed strategy and a complete . . . . Continue Reading »

What is a Religous Belief?

Ludwig Wittgenstein believed that the proper task of philosophy was to make the nature of our thought and talk clear. The problems of philosophy were illusory, he believed, and arose as a misunderstanding about language. While I think he greatly overstated the case, I think Wittgenstein was on to . . . . Continue Reading »

He Died The Greater Hero

Here’s selections from a beautiful eulogy in the Washington Post authored by Ashley Halsey III and appropriately titled, ” A Heroic Death, Without the Headlines .” The hero is Captain Matthew Freeman, USMC, who was killed in action—leading from the front—in Afghanistan: . . . . Continue Reading »



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