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The End of the Hardcover?

One of the world’s largest book publishers isn’t happy about what Google and Amazon are doing to the publishing industry : Arnaud Nourry, chief executive of French publishing group Hachette Livre, said unilateral pricing by Google, Amazon and other e-book retailers such as Barnes & . . . . Continue Reading »

Most Controversial Ad of the Year?

I have a visceral reaction of disgust whenever I see this ad by the World Wildlife Fund, though I can’t exactly explain why. [caption id=”attachment_7319” align=”aligncenter” width=”500” caption=”Click to Enlarge”] [/caption] Tasteless or . . . . Continue Reading »

Those Pesky Existential Questions . . .

You’ve tried scrubbing. Soaking.And still you’re doubt-haunted. Wondering continually who you, like, are spiritually, you know? Wondering whether you really need to make that casserole for the Fellowship Supper on Wednesday. Do I include the water chestnuts called for in the recipe, or . . . . Continue Reading »



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