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Re: A Martyred Faith

Jimmy Akin, my favorite Catholic apologist, has a detailed post examining whether Fatima al-Mutayri should be considered in full communion with the Catholic Church and whether she could be a candidate for canonization: Vatican II’s statement regarding Islam could definitely have been better . . . . Continue Reading »

Blessed Mother Teresa

“She silenced even a Jesuit who joked that she seemed to be getting smaller,” Fr. George Rutler recalls. “Yes,” she said, “and I must get smaller until I am small enough to fit into the heart of Jesus.” They say you can always tell a Jesuit but can’t tell him . . . . Continue Reading »

Van Truther and the Petition

So you know how when you’re coming out of the grocery store and someone says “Want to sign our petition” and you say “What’s it about?” and they say “It’s about getting to the truth about 9/11.” and you think “Well, I like truth but my my ice cream . . . . Continue Reading »



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