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The Constitution: Sweet as Honey

I was told last Friday by this site’s SBE (“senior blog editor”), Ivan Kenneally, that an encounter between any two members of the postmodern conservative masthead, for whatever licit reason, is sufficient to warrant a posting. So here I am. I had occasion on Thursday to visit . . . . Continue Reading »

Irving Kristol, 1920-2009

Irving Kristol , writer, editor, and social philosopher, has died in Washington at the age of eighty-nine. Dubbed the “godfather of neoconservatism”, Kristol played an influential role in the intellectual and political culture of American conservatism for over forty years. Our prayers . . . . Continue Reading »

Kathleen Sebelius Meet St. Thomas More

The following is from an interview of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. It appeared in U. S. News & World Report . (HT: Ignatius Scoop ) You are also a pro-choice Catholic, and I was reading some stories out of your home state recently where one of the bishops took an . . . . Continue Reading »

A Prayer Before Sex?

A Catholic publisher in England has come out with a Prayer Book for Spouses that includes a “Prayer Before Making Love”, which reads: Father, send your Holy Spirit into our hearts. Place within us love that truly gives, tenderness that truly unites, self-offering that tells the truth and . . . . Continue Reading »

St. Anselm and Alan Dershowitz

Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz defends Israel before the court of public opinion, most recently in this Jerusalem Post blog entry. He writes,Richard Goldstone - the primary author of a one-sided United Nations attack on Israeli actions during the Gaza war - has now become a full-fledged . . . . Continue Reading »

Swearing as the New Intellectualism

The editors of Patrol Magazine , an online journal for hipster evangelicals, recently offered a broadside against those evangelicals like Brett McCracken and the Southern Baptists who remain cautious about throwing off their prudish heritage and embracing the liberating and enlightened state of . . . . Continue Reading »



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