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Abraham Foxman vs. The USCCB

In August 2002 the Consultation of the National Council of Synagogues and the Bishops Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs released a statement, “Reflections on Covenant and Mission” , which espoused a two-fold or “dual covenant” path to salvation—the . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Medicare Benefits Will Be Cut

We’re calling you out, Mr. President. You have repeatedly said that Medicare benefits will not be cut under Obamacare.  Well, according to the Congressional Budget Office, that is flat-out not true. From the story:Congress’ chief budget officer is contradicting President Barack . . . . Continue Reading »

The Experiential Christ

Check out Caleb Stegall’s blog post here and please take note of his brilliant response in the ‘comment’ section. Stegall’s exploration of the causes of the deculturation of modernity needs to be addressed by the scholars here at PoMoCon, in what could be a delightful . . . . Continue Reading »

The Greenest Pope in History?

Is Benedict XVI the “green pope”? Some Catholics seem to think so , though Samuel Gregg, director of research at the Acton Institute, says the pontiff is the ” not-so-green pope “: [T]he present hype about “the greenest pope in history”—to cite another . . . . Continue Reading »

Kmiec: “My Catechism Come to Life”

I have a confession to make: I don’t dislike Barack Obama. Oh sure, I dislike his policies and wish he wasn’t the most powerful leader on the planet. I also believe that some of the views he holds are—there’s no other way to put it—evil. Nevertheless, he appears to be a . . . . Continue Reading »

Irving Kristol

Here’s Steven Menashi in Forbes on IK as moral critic. Here’s David Brooks giving IK three full cheers. Here’s me locating IK mostly in the American mainstream — today, even! — with Mark Schmitt in the opposite corner at Bloggingheads. I say a little more about . . . . Continue Reading »

Top Baby Names 2109

With the emergence of Jedi as an organized religion, I can’t help wondering whether good old saints’ names, already sorely besieged by Madison, Ava, Parker and Holden, are going to find even more competition in an entirely new breed of religiously-inspired names. If the lunch-table . . . . Continue Reading »

Who is Shutting the Media Out of Iraq?

The Columbia Journalism Review claims that after years of openness that benefited both the military and the media in Iraq, the media is being shut out . The article is extraordinary not just for what it says but most importantly for what it refuses to say. The blame for the media blackout is placed . . . . Continue Reading »

The Index of Odd Economic Indicators

A collection of odd economic indicators from the BBC and the L.A. Times :The crane index. How many cranes are visible from a given point. Really a measure of optimism about the prospects for commercial property. • The number of people signing up to dating agencies offering extra-marital . . . . Continue Reading »



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