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“As I hurtled down the highway, a pair of golden arches crept over the horizon, and the proverbial lightbulb smacked me in the forehead,” says visual artist and blogger Stephen Von Worley , “To gauge the creep of cookie-cutter commercialism, there’s no better barometer than . . . . Continue Reading »

Canine Offsets

I know that the President is busily engaged in these days with the highest affairs of state, chairing a session of the UN Security Council (a first, I believe, for an American President) and then heading off tomorrow to a meeting of the G-20 in Pittsburgh, Pa. No doubt, too, if the President . . . . Continue Reading »

The Fogey Economy

Despite the logical fallacy in the first sentence of this excerpt, Matthew Schmitz makes some important points in his post about the contributions —both communally and economically—of the elderly: We conservatives have little business decrying euthanasia unless we also stand against the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Pledge of Allegiance Isn’t Just for Goyim

At the journal Cross-Currents , N. Daniel Korobkin explains why Orthodox Jews should pray for the government : [W]e decided to daven in the “frummer” shuls, the ones that omitted those newfangled prayers that had nothing to do with Yiddishkeit, and that were therefore not printed in the . . . . Continue Reading »

I Love Churches. I Love Bookstores.

And this makes me want to cry. So does the commentary: It’s good to know that churches don’t have to remain houses of ignorance. Gives one hope for the day when all such places could be put to good use.Well, I think it’s time for a cup of tea and a nice, light, entertaining read . . . . Continue Reading »



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