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Crimes Against Clarity

Recently I gave a talk at the Christian Web Conference in which I argued that we often confuse clarity with profundity. I noted that one of Ernest Hemingway’s most profound stories was not only clear, but short enough to fit on Twitter: For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn. Hemingway is said to . . . . Continue Reading »

Does the “Black Church” Even Exist?

In a review of her book Your Spirits Walk Beside Us: The Politics of Black Religion , Curtis J. Evans notes how Barbara Savage demonstrates that “the ‘nexus between black religion and politics’ has necessarily been a strained one.” First, she notes that the choices that . . . . Continue Reading »

A Different Approach to the Abortion Debate

Joe Hargrave at the American Catholic has an excellent post on ” Restructuring the Case for Life .” He bases it on a Dinseh D’Souza article for Christianity Today in which D’Souza writes: If I’m on the right track, pro-life arguments are not likely to succeed by simply . . . . Continue Reading »

Glenn Beck Is Not a Pomocon

Rod tells me that Nate Silver, who gained fame as the best, most readable electoral statistician around, has made a mistake . And so he has: Beck is a PoMoCon — a post-modern conservative. And his philosophy is not all that difficult to articulate. It borrows a couple of things from . . . . Continue Reading »

Burke’s Postmodern Conservatism

Another fine lesson from Scruton’s A POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: Conservatism is itself a modernism, and in this lies the secret of its success. What distinguishes Burke from the French Revolutionaries is not his attachment to things past, but his desire to live fully in the present, to understand . . . . Continue Reading »

Star Wars, Give Me Those Star Wars . . .

Nothing but Star Wars, Star Wars todaaaaaay . . . The more I think about Jedi as an organized religion, the more I can’t stop thinking about it. Actually, I use the word “organized” loosely. It seems that being a Jedi is more like being a Mason, or maybe a Boy Scout, than it is . . . . Continue Reading »



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