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Some Anti-Straussophobic Answers

HARPERS thought Peter Minowitz had some more explaining to do in his defense of Strauss and Straussians. And I think his answers will be helpful to non- and anti-Straussians. We learn, for example, that Strauss became less Nietzschean and less militaristic over time, but not less pro-American or . . . . Continue Reading »

Unsafe Choice for America’s Schools

Another day, another tale of child exploitation. From ABC News : In the Spring of 1988, a young woman who knew [high school teacher Kevin Jennings] was gay, brought to his office a high school sophomore whom Jennings called “Brewster” in the book. As Jennings wrote: “’Brewster . . . . Continue Reading »


Here are some thoughts by a thoughtful social scientist on our next national election. I hate to taint the refined pages of postmodern conservatism with mere partisan politics and empty political speculation. Still, there are as many Democrats in Republican leaning districts as there were in 1994; . . . . Continue Reading »

The Feast of Saint Therese

I didn’t know it until I started googling around this morning, but right now the relics of Saint Therese of Lisieux are touring the United Kingdom. Today she’s at York Minster; more about the itinerary here.Swine flu fears aside, if you’re in the neighborhood, go and say a prayer . . . . Continue Reading »

The Prophetic Advocacy of Sojourners

Here’s the latest fundraising letter from Jim Wallis and the folks at Sojourners: The echoes are reverberating. After a week of “Tell the Truth” e-mails to share the real stories of health-care reform with media shock jocks, we’re still hearing the echoes of the 100,000-plus . . . . Continue Reading »

Chart of the Day

Analysis from the CATO Institute on the correlation between federal spending on education and high school achievement test scores: (Via: The League of Ordinary Gentlemen ) . . . . Continue Reading »



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