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A General Within Bounds

On Saturday Bruce Ackerman, a notoriously liberal Yale Law School Professor, took to the editorial pages of the Washington Post to criticize General McChrystal. In  ” A General’s Public Pressure ” he writes: In a speech in London on Thursday, Gen. Stanley McChrystal publicly . . . . Continue Reading »

The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Moore

In honor of his newly released film , I thought I should write something about the illustrious filmmaker Michael Moore. Too many people have already lauded the merits of his documentary, though, so I’ve decided to take a different approach. Instead of adding one more rave review to the pile . . . . Continue Reading »

How The Christian Left Misappropriates Jesus

Paul Zummo on the Christian left’s “theocratic” leanings : Aside from the promoters of the Prosperity Gospel, few conservative Christians actually try to advance the idea that their particular economic theories have been especially endorsed by the Lord. Of course we’ll argue . . . . Continue Reading »

Not Your Dad’s Laffy Taffy

Tour this selection of religiously-themed Halloween candy at And I’d be curious to find out: 1. Do you celebrate Halloween at all? Why or why not? 2. If you don’t, do you just ignore it, or do you do something alternative instead? In the interest of transparency, we do do . . . . Continue Reading »



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