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Nobel Peace Prize Warrior

Back in the Reagan era the slogan was “Peace through Strength.” In the military ranks this was modified, with typical military humor as decidedly unofficial, politically incorrect, slogans such as “Peace through Fire-Superiority” or “Peace through Marksmanship” or . . . . Continue Reading »

Anti-Euthanasia Message in Medium

Hollywood loves euthanasia/assisted suicide, generally presenting the issue in a positive light, perhaps most notoriously in Clint Eastwood’s “better dead than disabled” Oscar winner, Million Dollar Baby .  But last night’s Medium was an exception to the rule. It . . . . Continue Reading »

Rare Anti Euthanasia Episode on Medium

Hollywood loves assisted suicide and euthanasia. Not just as a plot device, but to promote through its various products as a modern, caring, compassionate, and proper policy for society to accept. Perhaps the most notable example was the Clint Eastwood movie Million Dollar Baby, that carried a . . . . Continue Reading »



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