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Vatican Music

I just lost my lunch all over my desk watching the Youtube promo for this “Alma Mater” release of “Music from the Vatican,” voiced-over by Pope Benedict. They keep saying “it works, it just works,” but I suppose that what they mean is that it will work if they make a . . . . Continue Reading »

Spinning on Behalf of Obamacare

Michael Sean Winters has put up a post on NCR Online that is a rebuttal to a Deal Hudson commentar y on abortion and the public option. Winters demonstrates that he is either wholly ignorant of the legislative and judicial process, or that he puts support for Obamacare ahead of opposition to . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Freedom From Want the Greatest Freedom?

Last month in the Wall Street Journal , Thomas Frank proffered an interesting claim —he doesn’t flesh it out enough to be an argument—that the left needs to reclaim the concept of freedom from the grasp of the right: People working the freedom vein were numerous at the large protest . . . . Continue Reading »



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