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What is an Evangelical?

What does it mean to be evangelical?A term that applies to between fifteen and forty million Americans should be rather obvious. Yet few words are so commonly used while being so poorly defined. To many people the word evangelical evokes images of the “Religious Right”, of people who . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: The Math Doesn’t Compute

Secondhand Smokette gets to the nub of the problem with Obamacare in her San Francisco Chronicle column today: It is a fiscal house of cards, built in sand, on a windy day.  Perhaps that is why the president and Democrats are so desperate for a Republican vote or two—then, they can share . . . . Continue Reading »

Can Man Sin Against Animals?

Wayne Pacelle reveals the religious nature of animal rights in a column published in today’s San Francisco Chronicle . The head of the country’s most powerful—and rich—animal rights organization, the Humane Society of the United States (no connection with local humane . . . . Continue Reading »

Demystification and Legend

Bryan Wandel has a good blog post here . Short, insightful, and well worth the read. One quibble however: Without accounting for the relationship between these two, Weber’s demystification (and ours) only regards the logical explanation of things, and not the participation and commitment that . . . . Continue Reading »

A gem on Genesis from

At the blog, Rabbi Hyim Shafner cites classic Jewish commentators on the Book of Genesis regarding how we are to understand the creation story:The first is Rash”I (Rabbi Shlomo Isaac of Worms, France 1040CE-1105CE) who claims that the bible’s creation story is incorrect . . . . Continue Reading »



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