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Re: The Culture War/Funny Feeling

These culture wars aren’t new. Via the magic of RSS and Google Reader ... a reply to Jared comes apropos post from the Desert (and I quote in full, because that’s sort of the point):It was said concerning Abba Agathon …that some monks came to find him, having heard tell of his great . . . . Continue Reading »

Funny, I Don’t Feel Neoconnish

The culture war will go to hell.Here’s why:1. Its expectation is foolish.Whether you believe America was ever a Christian nation or not, it is theologically naive and demonstrably false to think laws or policies make anyone a Christian. You cannot create or recapture a people for Christ by . . . . Continue Reading »

AIDS Vaccine Disappointing

A few months ago, it seemed that a big step had been taken in the development of an HIV/AIDS vaccine. Now it turns out it may not be such a big deal, after all. From the story:A deeper analysis of the results of an HIV vaccine tested in Thailand suggests that the vaccine may not have been as . . . . Continue Reading »

gratuitous use of this new blog

In case anyone needs to hear me say it, props to DJP and Phil Johnson who are my betters by a long shot. A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.And props to the channel rats at #prosapologian who knew Challies when he was dumpster-diving for web design work, and when I was . . . . Continue Reading »

The Letter of the Gospel but Not the Spirit

Is it possible to be legalistic about gospel-centrality?The day I first chewed on that question most seriously was the same day my friend Pete Wilson (no relation) posted a link to a podcasted critique of one of his sermons. Now, Pete’s ways are (generally) not my ways. I have serious concerns . . . . Continue Reading »

Closing Our Doors

Many thanks to our fearless readers of the last six months. I’ll still be blogging several days a week at First Thoughts, as well as updating my personal blog, Castle in the Sea. We’re already off the blog bar, so I don’t know whether anyone will see this, but if you do, . . . . Continue Reading »

On Art: Might I Venture ...

From Matthew (not Anderson :D ), Jesus offered:And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the . . . . Continue Reading »



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