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Playing With The Wild Things

David Brooks tells us that Where The Wild Things Are accurately shows that, for us, the “philosopher’s” way of thinking about the good life is out and the “psychologist’s” way is in. The wild things, just as the tagline tells us, are inside us all, just one of . . . . Continue Reading »

The Boundaries of Evangelicalism

Here I was thinking that I’d be able to get through a couple days with the kids home and not much time to blog and then enter into the conversation a few posts in by tonight. Little did I know that over 50 posts would appear on this blog in the meantime!I wrote back in November about the . . . . Continue Reading »

Since you asked: the Gospel

Well, as I said last time, it’s because government is not our savior. It may have a ministry of the sword which God wants to have in charge of things for a little while, but it’s not hardly what God wants for the world. Continue Reading »

On Culture Wars

A Christian who is also a conservative and a citizen tries to love God by loving his brothers and sisters. He does not confuse those loves, but serves the family and the state as best he can.This post on the culture war is confused, I think.It declares war on a man of straw or at best it boldly . . . . Continue Reading »

Culture War? Yes and No

Jared, I think I can agree with every point and disagree with their application, all at the same time, depending on how the term “culture war” is being defined.I have serious problems with a certain form of the culture war; at the same time, I don’t think you’re going to find . . . . Continue Reading »



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