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Why I am not a social conservative

It’s true. I am not a social conservative, but that does not mean I am unsympathetic with the concerns of those who describe themselves as such. I am certainly much closer to them than I am to the economic libertarians in the conservative movement or to the lifestyle libertarianism that has . . . . Continue Reading »

A Christian Instinct, Not Typology

I remember when it was cool to see Jesus in The Matrix. When that five minutes was over, and even your father in law was reading up in 2 Kings to figure out the significance of Neo’s spaceship, the whole thing was a joke. The tide had turned from a Lewisian seeing of celestial beauty in the . . . . Continue Reading »

Mary, Quite Contrary

First Things’ own Ryan Sayre Patrico has an article on Mary Tudor at National Review Online : ‘Don’t burn hundreds of your subjects at the stake.” If a modern-day image consultant could offer advice to some of the past’s most notorious rulers, that nugget of wisdom would . . . . Continue Reading »

Read This Blog On Your Own Time (Pt. II)

Note: At Jeremy’s suggestion, I’m reposting a piece I once wrote on how to use an RSS reader as a blogging tool. Steps #1-4 are all you need if you just want to use an RSS reader for reading blogs, but I included the rest in case anyone is interested in implementing a useful system for . . . . Continue Reading »

A clarification

This is Frank Turek. I am not Frank Turek. I know: he says it wrong, and it sounds like “Frank Turk”. Forgive him.If he gets half as many e-mails people mean for me that I get which they mean for him, I pity him. I am sure the mail he gets meant for me is far less . . . . Continue Reading »

Discriminating Against Conscience

In the Wall Street Journal , Patrick J. Reilly reports that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ruled that Catholic institutions must pay for birth control in their health insurance plans: Last week, thanks to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the federal government took a . . . . Continue Reading »



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