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What Should Christians Really Expect?

It is being reported today that Christianity is undergoing yet an assault via loons in the entertainment industry. There’s not much new about that. In an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm,  Larry David urinates on a painting of Jesus, causing a woman to believe the painting depicts him . . . . Continue Reading »

Should Christians Apologize . . .

There was a post below on whether Christians should fast during Ramadan.  The answer is clearly no.  We should proclaim the gospel and why we believe it (See Resurrection, The).But the other question comes from Donald Miller’s book Blue Like Jazz (which, as I’ve said before, I . . . . Continue Reading »

Statements in Revision…

In thinking through Jean-Francois Lyotard’s The Postmodern Condition and my position as a “conservative” Catholic sympathetic to our friends on the Porch, I’d like to throw this out there for some opinion. Lyotard (“Simplifying to the extreme, I define postmodern as . . . . Continue Reading »



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