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SHS Funnies

It wouldn’t be this way if the Feds had the courage and foresight to change marijuana”s Controlled Substances Act classification so that it could be prescribed like morphine or cocaine.  But the way things are, with the president breaking his oath of office to enforce the law, this . . . . Continue Reading »

a thousand pictures

Pick a word.  No, no, not that one.  Don’t pick just any word.  Stick with the nouns.  Then build a picture around that word.  Now build several pictures around the word.  See how many you can come up with.Now let’s try some of the words that have . . . . Continue Reading »

Not All Evangelicals and Catholics Together

Given our discussion(s) about this blog (among other things!), Collin Hansen’s article at Christianity Today, posted this morning, caught my attention: “Not All Evangelicals and Catholics Together.” Hansen documents some of the conflicts between Evangelicals and Roman Catholics, . . . . Continue Reading »

Where are the grown ups?

The media grownups exploiting Levi Johnston are doing a bad thing. When I was growing up and making some pretty big mistakes, there were grownups who took me aside and told me not to be a fool. They had mercy on me and showed me a better way to live. They certainly did not play on my sinful desires . . . . Continue Reading »


In the spirit of “me too! me too!” and “oh, can I play?” I’d like to throw in my own two cents and tag along with Jared and Joe on this whole Halloween thing.  Here’s a re-post of something I had on my Jollyblogger blog way back in October of 2005, with a few . . . . Continue Reading »

Everything is Political, Except Political Bias

When it is pointed out that the media and academy are skewed to one type of idealogical persuasion, everyone shrugs. But as Mark Bauerlein of the Chronicle of Higher Education points out, the research shows liberal bias is of exactly the same kind, uses the same methods, and holds the same . . . . Continue Reading »



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